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Happy Wednesday! 7/22/2020 DAY 20

Psalm 127:3     Behold, children are a heritage from the  Lord , the fruit of the womb a reward. ALWAYS REMEMBER NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE AWESOME! YOU ARE A REWARD FROM GOD AND I AM HONORED TO HAVE HAD EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU IN MY VIRTUAL CLASS. WHAT A WONDERFUL REWARD! GOOD  MORNING MY WONDERFUL HARDWORKING STUDENTS! I am honored that God chose me to be your summer school virtual teacher. I pray you remember everything we went over during these 20days. I pray you never forget it's ok to not know something and it is ok to ask for help. READING:  YOU THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL 1. If you don't know something name two ways you can work it out? 2. What did David decide to do instead of study? Why? 3. Pick a scripture from this story and tell me what it means to you? Why PHONICS:  HOW TO WRITE A SHORT STORY Today I would like you to write a short story about your summer experience. MATH: 1 more "telling time" review for the road  HOW TOO TELL TIME
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Good Morning AOE FAMILY! 7/21 Day 19

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;     I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. READING -  Be Thankful 1. How did Jessie feel about the bike his dad got him? 2. Why did Jessie leave his bike? 3. What are three (3) reasons Jessie feels bad about his bike missing? 4. Find a scripture in this story and tell me what does it mean to you? Phonics:  How to understand Root words Roots as Clues If you have any questions please let me know MATH: Please do 1-3 ONLY Math : How to solve a word problem

Good Morning AOE Family! Happy Monday 7/20/20 Day 18

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Good Morning AOE family! 7/17 Day 17

Mathew 18: 21-22 21- Then Peter came to him and said, "Lord , how often shall my brother sin against me, and forgive him? Up to seven times? 22- Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. 1. Forgiveness is very important for your own well being. God has given you the strength to forgive. Have you ever had trouble forgiving? How? READING:  Forgiveness 1. Why did Johnny steal the shoes? 2. How did Jerry feel about Johnny taking his shoes? 3. Why did Jerry forgive?  4. How do you feel about forgiving someone that hurt your feeling? Phonics:  Suffix -age -tude MATH:   How to multiply 1. 83 X 6= 2. 17 X 5= 3. 14 X 9= 4. 63 X 7=

Good morning Aoe Family! Happy Thursday! 7/16 Day16

Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent. GOOD NEWS: We may find it hard to hold our tongue at times but what we have to remember, its ok to walk away, it is ok to stay silent because GOD promised to fight our battles. Praise God for being a way maker! 1. What does the word "WAY MAKER" mean to you? READING:  Walking In Integrity 1. What does "Integrity" mean? 2. Why was Jerry scared? 3. How did God protect Jerry? Phonics:  Suffix ance or ance Clear  + ance = Clearance suffix practice worksheet MATH :  how to multiply with a single-digit multiplier Please Do problems 1-4 only

God Morninhg AOE Family! Happy Tuesday! 7/15/20 Day 15

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 1. What does this scripture say to you? Reading:  Love your enemies 1. Why would God want you to love your enemies? 2. Why would we allow the light of God to shine through us? 3. Why did Sam think he has already won? 4. Why do you think Winstin was so mean? 5. What is this story saying to you? Phonics:  What is a compound sentence? 1.  She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do. 2. I really need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive. 3. I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert. 4. He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker. Math:  How to do double-digit multiplication 1. 97 x 30 = 2. 17 x 4 = 3. 12 x 10 =

Good morning AOE family! 7/14/2020 Day 14

Heavenly Father, please strengthen our hearts, and remind us to encourage one another when the troubles of life start to overwhelm us. Please guard our hearts against depression. Give us the strength up to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to weigh us down. Amen. For I know the plans I have for you , declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ~  Jeremiah 29:11 What does this Bible scripture mean to you? Reading:  I Can Trust God 1. Kaitlynn is dealing with a hard question? 2. Is Kaitlynn supposed to have her whole life figured out in 7th grade? 3. What valuable lesson did Kaitlynn learn? 4. Name 2 Bible scriptures that were mentioned in the story Phonics: Write Compound Sentences You can use: but  or  and 1. James wanted a slice of cake. His mother said no. 2. It was bedtime. It was still daylight. 3. We can go to the movies. We could walk to the park. 4. The cat ran up the tree. The dog did not